Vocal Jazz
Here is a listing of some of our many performances.
I can't possibly list, or even remember, all of them. However, here are some of our recent past performances that were special to us for a variety
of reasons. I will focus on the public events, rather than the private functions.
Keep checking back!
June 2024
We had the terrific opportunity to play at The Bassment, again. And what a fantastic audience we had! We were able to sing material from our regular jazz repertoire, along with a few surprising numbers - just to keep things interesting!
October 2022
Two and a years between these two gigs! It's difficult to comprehend the passage of time and all the changes that occurred during that time. However, we got back in the saddle as part of a variety concert at Grosvenor Park United Church. We performed three new songs, two of which were arrangements by Grant.
March 2020
The folks with Grandmothers for Grandmothers put on their wonderful, annual fundraising event, this month. The room was covered with colourful textiles, quilts and garments from Africa. They were a wonderfully supportive audience and we had a great time performing for them.
November 2019
Solstice had the opportunity to perform at the Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation Gala. For some of us, it was a blast from the past as Solstice got it's start at Evan Hardy Collegiate, way back in 1976. The crowd was full of Hardy Souls and the evening was a big success for the organizers. One of the key note speakers was CBC journalist, Susan Ormiston, who also was an original member of Solstice.
November 2018
We had the opportunity to perform at The Cathedral of the Holy Family for a school fundraiser. This gig was interesting for us because - although we love our regular band - we had some new players with us. Esther Rabuka and Neil Currie joined D'Arce MacMillan. It turned out wonderfully and it was a great gig!
October 2018
Grace Westminster United Church invited us to perform at their "dinner and a show"evening. We performed much of our gospel repertoire, as well as our usual fare. The church had a great sound and we had a great time! There were many old friends in the crowd, too!
April 2018
Solstice was fortunate to be invited back as guest artists for the Kids of Note spring concert: We Shall Overcome; Old Songs for a New World. The concert was a look back at peace songs. Solstice sang "Up to the Mountain", which was written based upon Martin Luther King's famous speech the day before he was assassinated. We sang a great arrangement of "Lean On Me" combined with "We Shall Overcome" with Kids of Note and The Notations that really brought the house down!
December 2017
Another fun gig at The Bassment! While we sang some of our old favourite Christmas songs, we also added lots of new ones to our repertoire - many of which are Pentatonix songs! They are very satisfying to sing, as the harmonies and rhythms are so interesting!
December 2016
While we are always happy to sing at The Bassment, we were so pleased to land a December gig, there, this year. We sang the gamut of our Christmas selections and it was a great time!
October , 2016
Grosvenor Park United Church invited Solstice to perform at their fall fundraiser. They asked for mostly gospel repertoire, so we had a lot of fun re-learning some old favourites, as well as learning some new material.
Sunday, June 26, 2016 - Jazz Festival Jazz Brunch
The Sunday brunch was thrilling; we walked into the room and saw so, so many tables for our loyal Brunch attendees. A sold-out performance is both gratifying and humbling; we try out best every year to give a great show. It's always a balancing act. Folks like the old favourites, but they like the new material, too! At any rate, it was a great gig among both old and new friends.
Friday, April 29, 2016 - Jazz Night at The Bassment
We were so pleased to be invited back to The Bassment. It gives us the opportunity to do the wide variety of songs that are in our repertoire. We saw lots of new people in the audience, as well as many of our regular fans. Thank you for coming out to listen to us!
November 2015 - Mother/Son Gala
It was great to be back at The Festival of Trees. What a wonderful Saskatoon tradition! This year, we performed at the Mother/Son Gala. Grant created a new arrangement especiallty for this gig. We now have a medley of the songs from "How The Grinch Stole Christmas".
June 2015 - Jazz Brunch
We enjoyed another Jazz Brunch at the SaskTel Saskatchewan Jazz Festival with another terrific audience. It was a scorcher outside and the music was cookin' inside, as well! We so love to perform for such an appreciative group. Everyone seems to be swaying, tapping their toes or singing along. We are so pleased that the Festival continues to support Solstice and our audiences.
Past Performances

Jazz Night at The Bassment
June 2024
Photo credit: Brenda Baker

Grosvenor Park Fundraising Celebration
October 2022
Photo credit: George Charpentier

Festival of Trees Mother Son Gala
November 2015

Jazz Brunch at the SaskTel Saskatchewan Jazz Festival
June 2015
Photo Credit: Liam Clancy
May 2015 - Jazz Night at The Bassment
We are always thrilled to be asked to be a part of the wonderful jazz programming that Don Griffith organizes at The Bassment. There are always some listeners who are new to Solstice, as well as our treasured regulars. We try to make sure that we have new tunes for both The Bassment and the Jazz Brunch, so tickets buyers can know they are not getting the same show.
I won't write about every Jazz Night, but we've loved them all. We've performed at the old Bassment and the new Bassment; the new Bassment is terrific!

Jazz Night at the Saskatoon Jazz Society Bassment
May 2015
Photo Credit: Cassidy Bell
April 2015 - Private Function in Janzen, SK
This gig was a road trip, which is always great fun! We saw the Northern Lights all the way home!
December 2014 - Private Function
We had a blast at this Christmas party. We also received more ovations in one gig than anybody has a right to. Or, should I say, Grant did! He must have had some ringers in the crowd.
May 2014 - Knox United Church 100th Anniversary
While Solstice has not been around for a hundred years, we have roots with Knox United Church going back more than thirty-five years. We rehearsed there for years and occasionally joined with the church choir for special songs. We were thrilled to be a part of the celebrations. It was fun to revisit some of our gopsel tunes, as well. People really love those songs!
December 2012 - Kids of Note Concert
Solstice was thrilled to be guest artist at the Kids of Note Christmas Concert. This choir was founded by Brenda Baker in 2005 and their concerts are such joyous occasions!
December 2011 - Langenburg, SK
We have been fortunate to perform in Langenburg on several occasions. This community has many residents with the artistic vision and drive to make things happen. Concerts are held at the George Layh Theatre, which has had something new added each time we've performed, there. New lighting, sound system, reception hall, and so on; these folks know how to get things done! We also get in a great visit with Rob Zerr and his family. Rob was a longtime member of Solstice.
October 2011 - Circle Drive Care Home Fundraiser
This group was great to perform for, but the thing I remember most about it was a traditional part of their fundraising evening. They auctioned off pies made by various chefs around the city! What a clever idea!
April 2011 - Autism Gala
One of the things that's great about doing these kinds of functions is that we get to sing for people who, perhaps, have not heard us sing, before. We get most of our gigs based on the fact that someone heard us somewhere.
December 2004 - Festival of Trees Brunch
We love it when we can get the opportunity to sing some of our Christmas repertoire. There are some great arrangments that we love!