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Old Friends

There have been many, talented musicians who have been involved with Solstice over the years. In the beginning, our vocalists came from Saskatoon, but as our following grew, we began to find people from all over the province who wanted to sing with us. Unfortunately, no master list was kept, so the following will (hopefully) be constantly updated. Please accept our apologies for errors and omissions; we would be happy to make any corrections!


*denotes original member



Michelle (Auser) Clancy

Pam (Auser) Pander

Dianne (Baker) Philips

Leanne (Baldwin) Hamm

Brynn Boback-Lane

Heather (Currie) Hataley

Diane (Danielson) Engen

Dawn Edlund

Bev (Green) Fritzke

Carol Hansen

Arlene (Kear) Halt*

Judy (Malanovich) Dogner

Colleen Murphy-Beresh

Wanda (Nykiforuk) Burbridge*

Susan Ormiston*

Lauren (Selinger) Walker*

Stephanie Smith

Blanche (Tallmadge) Johnston



Rod Bell

Lee Braaten

Pat Collins

Grant Currie

Richard Downey

Colin Green*

Andrew Kavadas*

Al Mitshcke

Tim Nickel

Robin Sukorokoff

Garth Tait*



Jon Ballantyne

Beaty Beaubier

Sheldon Corbett

Neil Currie

Louise Denson

Stephanie (Dumonceaux) Tillman

Colleen Green

Don Griffith

Karen Kowalenko-Evjen

Cathy Martin*

Keith Maskell

Donna McDonald

Ross Mickelson

Bill Richards

Kim Salkeld

Sherri de Vries Schad 


Bass Guitar

Dieter Braun

Chad Currie

Doug Gilmour

Warren Hay

Stewart Hanlon

Miles Hill

Leanne Kucey

Sean Mang

Barry Miazga

Steve Reid

Jana Shishkin

Bruce Wilkinson



Mark Altman

David Bindle 

Darrell Beuckert

Brent Burlingham

Andy Cree

Glenn Ens

Gary Evjen

John Fisher

Tom Hearn

James MacKenzie

Ian MacAulay

D'Arce McMillan

Lukas Newman

Doug Osborn

Wayne Rollack

Roy Sydiaha

Bob Thomas

Hans Van Noren

Rick Van Dusen

Bill Watson





Lori (Bell) Newman

Janice Birney*

Lori (Carlson) Cooper*

Amy (Crichton) Cannell

Dianne Hanlon

Jean (Jeffrey) Currie*

Lynne (Nykiforuk) Mondue

Wendy Sawatsky

Arden Skrudland

Nancy Sparling



Gregg Adams*

Brent Burbridge

Bob Cowan

Neil Currie

Guy Edlund*

Dave Ehmann

Wayne Gaskin

James Hawn

Keith Jeffrey*

Bob Kyle

Merill Lepp

Keith Maskell

Ross Mickelson

Clayton Underwood

Murray Wenhardt*

Rob Zerr


Other Instruments and Collaborations

Lori (Bell) Newman - bass keyboard

Kathy Bond - choreographer

Sheldon Corbett - saxophones

Grant Currie - saxophones

Heather Currie - fluteeather Currie - flute

Doug Gilmour - saxophone, flute

Bob Klassen - saxophone

Keith Maskell - saxophone

The Millennium Big Band

Graham Pritchard - guitars - and banjo!

The Saskatoon Jazz Society Big Band

Kellie (Schroeder) Bell - bass keyboard

Bruce Wilkinson - clarinet









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